Mailroom window



Move-In Weekend Hours


- 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 31
 - 1 p.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 1
 - 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 2

Window Service Hours

Window service is available 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. during the summer. 


  • Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (for package/mail pick-up only)
  • Sunday, closed


Mail and Package Pick Up


Accepted Forms of Payment 

收发室只接受现金或一卡通. Credit card payment is not accepted.

Forwarding Mail

The Mailroom forwards first-class mail only; standard mail cannot be forwarded, 收发室也不能转发国际邮件. 

When you are away, 收发室将把寄到你的校园邮箱的一等邮件(普通信件)转发给你. 默认的转发地址是您的家庭住址, 如果你想把邮件转到这里, you need not take any further action. 转发会根据你在BIONIC中的状态自动发生.

当你的状态是“休假”时,邮件会被转发," when you are studying away, or the first year after your graduation.

默认情况下,邮件会在夏季转发,但不会在其他假期转发. 如果你在学校过暑假的话, 您需要在BIONIC的“转到校园”框中勾选,以确保您的邮件和包裹到达这里. 

  • International students 必须安排他们的邮件被取走或转发. 如果没有作出这些安排,邮件将被退回给寄件人. 
  • Students studying away/abroad should provide the Mailroom with a pre-paid mailing label for forwarding; otherwise, the mail will be returned to the sender. 
  • Students studying remotely 会收到通过USPS发送的可转发邮件吗. 其他邮件和包裹将在可能的情况下被拒绝或退回发件人. 远程学生负责转发USPS不接受的邮件和包裹的费用.
  • Log onto Bionic
  • Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center
  • 在“个人信息”下选择“转发地址”
  • At the top of the page, you will see your "Current Home Address" and "Current Forwarding Address(s)" (if applicable)

Entering your Forwarding Address

  • Enter the start date (i.e.,您何时开始使用此地址)和结束日期(i.E,当你留下地址时)以月/日/年的格式(06/15/24). Dates must not have already passed.
  • 输入地址(地址、城市、州、邮政编码、国家). 如果您不知道州或国家的缩写,请点击放大镜查看.
  • If you want to receive mail at Bryn Mawr, 选择“转往校园信箱”(此选项只适用于地址1).
  • 如果您使用多个转发地址, 填写第二份转发地址表项(同上).
  • Click "OK" to confirm.

Note: 条目之间的开始日期和结束日期不能重叠! 如果地址1的结束日期是7月12日,地址2的开始日期是7月10日, this will not work. 地址2的开始日期是7月13日.

Change or Delete a Forwarding Address

  • Go back into Forwarding Address Entry.
  • 在“当前转发地址”后,选择“删除此地址”.”
  • 将弹出确认删除的消息. Click "YES."

Note: 一次只能有两个转发地址.

Student Mailboxes

Helpful Information


  • Certified Mail
  • Registered Mail
  • Express Mail
  • Priority Mail


  • UPS
  • Fed Ex Express
  • Fed Ex Ground
  • DHL
  • New students can find your box assignments in BIONIC. 箱子已经分配给所有即将来到校园的新生.  
  • Remote students 当你切换到面对面时,会收到盒子任务吗.  
  • 信件和杂志被放在邮箱里. 邮件和包裹通常在一个工作日内分类并准备好取件.

Note: 只要你还是BMC的学生,你的盒子作业就不会改变.

  • When packages arrive for students, 邮件处理完毕并准备好取件后,收发室将立即发送电子邮件. 请等待邮件收发室的邮件 BMC收发室收到一个给你的包裹. 
  • 邮件和包裹通常在一个工作日内分类并准备好取件; Letter mail and magazines are placed into mailboxes.  

Note: 不要依赖亚马逊和其他在线卖家发送的信息.

  • 寄信人的姓名和地址通常写在信封的左上角.
  • 收信人的姓名和地址应写在信封的中央下方.
  • 邮资在信封的右上角.


Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010


Mail to faculty, staff, 以及推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(Bryn Mawr college)除社会工作和社会研究研究生院以外的办公室,请寄至:

Full Name
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899

收发室会在处理完亚马逊包裹后给你发电子邮件. 不要完全依赖你从亚马逊收到的信息. 这在每个学期开始时尤其重要,因为邮件室需要处理大量邮件.


接受现金或一卡付款; 收发室不接受信用卡. 

Campus Center

Contact Us


Nick Villani, Coordinator
Russell Smith, Assistant

Campus Center, First Floor
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-7336